Ancient tomb discovered in north China
作者: Source: Xinhua    发布于:2020-10-08 14:16:02    文字:【】【】【

HOHHOT, Oct. 8 (Xinhua) -- Chinese archaeologists have discovered an ancient tomb in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, local authorities said.

Located in the Alxa Left Banner, the sandglass-shaped tomb is believed to date back to the late Bronze Age, according to the region's archaeological institute.

The sandglass-shaped tombs, ranging from 1,300 BC to 800 BC, late Bronze Age, are mainly distributed in China and the Gobi desert in Mongolia.

The tomb found, which is large in scale and complete in structure, not only enriches archaeological field's cultural connotation and cultural attributes of such remains, also provides important clues for furthering reseach on cultural interaction in agro-pastoral ecotone, according to the institute.

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