Grand theater to host celebration of Peking opera master
作者: Source: Xinhua    发布于:2020-11-08 16:20:40    文字:【】【】【

BEIJING, Nov. 7 (Xinhua) -- The National Peking Opera Company will stage a performance to mark the 100th birth anniversary of renowned Peking Opera artist Li Jinquan at the Mei Lanfang Theater on Nov. 21.

Audiences can enjoy the master's classic works as well as performances by his apprentices and other artists at the operatic celebration. Peking opera lovers can also watch the live performances online.

Peking opera has a history of more than 200 years and was declared a world intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO in 2010. It combines a variety of art forms, including singing, reciting, acting and martial arts

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