Young educated Chinese increasingly disenchanted with the U.S.: media
作者: Source: Xinhua    发布于:2021-05-18 14:32:52    文字:【】【】【
HONG KONG, May 18 (Xinhua) -- Young educated Chinese have become increasingly disenchanted with the United States in recent years amid tensions between Beijing and Washington, said a recent article in the South China Morning Post.

"The fraught relationship between China and the United States and the suspicion of Chinese scientists on U.S. campuses" convinced some young educated Chinese that "it was no longer a land of opportunity," the article noted.

An online poll of nearly 20,000 people carried out by Cary Wu, a sociology professor at York University in Ontario, Canada, in April 2020, found that Chinese people's trust in their own state government had risen to 98 percent, the paper cited an article by Wu published in The Washington Post on May 5.

"China's effective containment of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020 had influenced how people perceived the country's political system," the article quoted Qin Qianhong, a law professor at Wuhan University as saying.

As Beijing and Washington have clashed on a range of issues from trade and technology, to human rights and geopolitics, and with Chinese people's trust in their own state government rising in recent years, many young Chinese who have received education in the United States have begun to see this place in a different light and are returning to China to start a new life, it said.
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