作者: 中国雄安新区网    发布于:2018-12-14 08:43:31    文字:【】【】【

assertive 武断的 (ß assert)

therapy 治疗法group therapy

hypnotism 催眠术 (~ hypnotize)

prescribe 开药方v.s. subscribe, describe, inscribeà prescription: ~ drugs

antidepressant 抗抑郁药

tranquilizer 镇静药 (ß tranquil)

side-effect (+s) 副作用

immune 免疫的,免除的 (à immunity)

rehabilitation 复原,康复

relapse 旧病复发,故态复萌v.s. elapse^ 子在川上曰:逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!

chronic 慢性的

adulthood  childhood

puberty 青春发动期

adolescence 青春期 (the time of life between puberty and adulthood)

emotional  rational

affective 情感的 (ß affection)

sane 神智健全的à insane

superstition 迷信à superstitious

telepathy 传心术,通灵术tele(far away) + pathy(heart)^ numerology, palmistry…

apathy 无感情,无兴趣,冷漠 (= indifference)a(no) + pathyv.s. sympathy: sym(same) + pathy

pathology 病理学,病理,病变

delusion 迷惑,欺瞒v.s. illusion

disorientation 迷失 (dis + orientation)~ disoriented

pervert 使反常/变态 反常/变态者à perversion

introspection 内省v.s. retrospection (回顾,反省)

sublimation 纯化,升华ß sublime

personality = personal characteristicsmultiple personality (多重人格)

innate 天赋的 in + nate(nature)= inborn, congenital

attribute 属性 (à attributable)

trait 特征,品质national traits 国民性vs. traitor

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