作者: 中国雄安新区网    发布于:2018-12-14 08:45:41    文字:【】【】【

homogeneous 同质的 homo + gene +ous(<> heterogeneous)^ homosexual, heterosexual

mainstream 主流 主流的

dialect 方言 (v.s. accent)

discrepancy 差异

misconception 误解 (mis + concept + ion)= misunderstanding

barrier 障碍(物)~ bar, = barricade

discrimination 区别,歧视racial/sexual discriminationß discriminate (+against)

hierarchy 等级制度heir + arch(govern) + y

insularity 岛国性质 (ß insular, ^island)British industry has often been criticized for its linguistic insularity.

microcosm 小天地 micro + cosm(os)

nostalgia = homesickness

patriot 爱国者 (<> traitor)à patriotic, patriotism

compatriot 同胞 同胞的com + patriot

vernacular 本地的,本国的 本地话,本国话the vernacular languages of India

Hispanic An American whose first language was Spanish

immigration 移入~ immigrant, immigratev.s. emigration (~ emigrant, emigrate)

antipodes Any two places or regions on diametrically opposite sides of the Earth“from North America to the Antipodes”

permeate 渗透,弥漫Smoke permeated the house.

entrepreneur 企业家 (~ enterprise)à entrepreneurship

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