Lianquanxianggu Natural Scenic Area
作者:Source:seeinchina.com    发布于:2024-02-17 15:34:43    文字:【】【】【
Lianquanxianggu means gurgling springs and valleys where there are sounds. Gurgling streams and cascading waterfalls are found in the valley and the reverberating sounds of these waters float in the valley all year round. That’s why this scenic area has been given such a name.

The scenic area belongs to the Mount Yanshan range and leans against Hetuo Mountain which has an altitude of 1,895 meters. If you stand on top of it, you can have a panoramic view of the suburban Beijing. This scenic area is adjacent to Jiankou Great Wall and the temperature here is usually 3-5℃ lower than that of the urban areas of Beijing. In the area there is a path which meanders 5,000 meters in the mountains.

This is the source of Yanqi Lake. Inside the scenic area white marble paths look attractive, small and big caves can be found here and there as you walk, grotesque rocks become one stunning view of the surrounding mountains, where more amazing natural wonders such as Gods Playing Chinese Chess and Cat Head Mountain will gradually enter your eye view.

In addition, facilities for entertainment are also accessible near the scenic area. If you have a special taste about farmhouse delicacies, you might as well lodge in one farmhouse to experience the simple foods which may taste like exotic cuisine.
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