Teenager invited to World Laureates Forum in Shanghai
作者: China Plus    发布于:2019-10-31 17:58:33    文字:【】【】【
A senior high school student captured a lot of attention at the second World Laureates Forum in Shanghai, reports Shanghai Morning Post.

Tan Fanglin was among the dozens of young scientists invited to the event, but the 15 year old was by far the youngest person in the room, according to the report.

[File photo: Sina Weibo]

[File photo: Sina Weibo]

She is currently in her first year at the No. 2 High School of East China Normal University.

She might look like your average teenager, but Tan's research in junior high has improved people's understanding of the connections between the Fibonacci sequence and Bézout numbers.

Her findings have won her many prizes in youth innovation competitions in Shanghai and elsewhere in China.

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